ICASSP 2005 Philadelphia

2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing

March 18-23, 2005 • Pennsylvania Convention Center/Marriott Hotel • Philadelphia, PA, USA

Spoken Language Processing Grant


Congratulations to the two winners of the Spoken Language Processing Student Grant:

  • Chen Yang (Chinese University of Hong Kong) -- Paper 2163: "Static and Dynamic Spectral Features: Their Noise Robustness and Optimal Weights for ASR"
  • Dan-ning Jiang (Tsinghua Univ., China) -- Paper 2704: "Prosody Analysis and Modeling for Emotional Speech Synthesis"

Announcement: Spoken Language Processing Student Grant

The Spoken Language Processing Student Grant, sponsored by Drs. X. Huang, A. Acero and H. Hon with proceeds from royalties of their book “Spoken Language Processing”, honors the student of an outstanding paper in the spoken language processing area accepted for publication in a conference (ICASSP) or a workshop (ASRU) sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. This is a cash grant, with a fixed dollar amount, to be used by each student to attend such conferences or workshops. Candidates must be pursuing a degree at a university and must send the conference technical committee a letter signed by their advisor stating that the student would not be able to attend the conference without this grant due to lack of funds. Each conference or workshop will announce its deadline on its web site. For ICASSP05, the deadline will be December 1, 2004.

Papers will be judged on the basis of quality and need, which will be evaluated by the IEEE Signal Processing Society's Speech Technical Committee. The recipient(s) of the grant will be announced at the banquet of the conference or workshop.

The application should be sent to mazin@research.att.com.

©2018 Conference Management Services, Inc. -||- email: webmaster@icassp2005.com -||- Last updated Tuesday, January 25, 2005